Activist Origins of Political Ambition: Opposition Candidacy in Africa's Electoral Authoritarian Regimes. New York: Cambridge University Press (In Production; Forthcoming July 2022) [Pre-order from Amazon]
From the Outside In: How the Rise of Politicians from NGOs is Disrupting African Politics & Development (Proposing to Publisher early 2022, with Karisa Cloward)
"(Mis)Measuring Sensitive Attitudes with the List Experiment: Solutions to List Experiment Breakdown in Kenya" (with Eric Kramon) Public Opinion Quarterly 83(1): 236-263 (2019). [paper] [data]
"From Formlessness to Structure: The Impact of Competitiveness on Party Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa" (with Michael Bernhard) Comparative Political Studies 47(12): 1707-37 (2019). [paper] [data]
"What Drives the Swing Voter in Africa" (with Staffan I. Lindberg) American Journal of Political Science. 57(3): 717-34 (2013). [paper]
"Effective Opposition Strategies: Collective Goods or Clientelism" (with Staffan I. Lindberg) Democratization. 18(5): 1193-1214 (2011). [paper]
Works in Progress
"Altruists on the Campaign Trail? Civil Society Work as a Path to Political Office" (with Karisa Cloward)
"Panel Survey Attrition in sub-Saharan Africa: The Promise of the Mobile Revolution" (with Sterling Roop)
"Women’s Equality in sub-Saharan Africa: The Influence of Religion on Views Towards Women in Mixed Muslim-Christian Countries" (with Kristin Michelitch)
Recent Policy-Oriented and Public Audience Publications "How autocrats compete: Parties, Patrons, and Unfair Elections in Africa by Yonatan L. Morse.” Journal of Modern African Studies. 57(3): 494-495 (2019). [Invited Book Review].
"Strengthening Media and Civil Society" (with Kristin Michelitch) (2017). [USAID-DRG Concept Note]
"The 2015 National Elections in Tanzania" (with Sterling Roop) Electoral Studies 43: 190-194 (2016). [article]
"Wasemavyo Wazanzibari: A Mobile Panel Survey" (with Sterling Roop) Contributor to World Bank's Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide for Microdata Collection (2016) [manuscript]
"In Zanzibar, democracy, peace, and unity are at stake after annulled elections" Washington Post (Monkey Cage) (2015). [article]
"Will elections steer Tanzania in a new direction?" (with Sterling Roop) Washington Post (Monkey Cage) (2015). [article]
"Why is the Tanzanian government making information illegal?" (with Ruth Carlitz) Washington Post (Monkey Cage) (2015). [article]